What is your success rate?
We have a 95% success rate on our black bear hunts.
How long is a trip?
The trips span 6 days - Sundays through Fridays.
How do I travel to Wrangell, Alaska?
Travel is provided though Alaska Airlines. They are the only airline that provides travel to the town of Wrangell.
Is food provided on the trip?
While aboard the boat, three meals per day are provided.
What lodging is available in Wrangell?
We suggest lodging at Stikine Inn.
What type of firearm should I bring?
Preferred calibers are .300 win mag or larger 180 grain bullet and larger.
What size/group is on the boat?
Three crew members and up to six hunters.
How do I get my bear and/or fish home?
Alaska Airlines. Check-in baggage or Alaska Airlines air cargo. Fish must be in wax-lined boxes, which can be purchased for about $15 in town. These boxes will hold about 50 pounds of fish and/or bear hide.
What licenses will I need?
Hunting and fishing licenses may be acquired in Wrangell, or they can be purchased online at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website.
What size of optics should I bring?
A minimum of 8 x 30 binoculars is highly recommended.
What is the temperature?
It varies, but usually we can expect 40 - 60 degrees throughout May and June.
What equipment should I bring?
View our printable equipment list.
How do I pay for my hunt?
We accept MasterCard and Visa, Cash, Cashiers Check, or Personal Check. Please ask about down payment and payment program.